Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity: How to Align with Tier 4 NIST Framework Guidelines

Written by CyVent | Mar 27, 2019 11:29:41 AM

Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity: How to Align with Tier 4 NIST Framework Guidelines

With the environment, high-value assets, and even human lives at stake, strong critical infrastructure cybersecurity couldn’t be more vital.

Cyberbit, a CyVent partner, is helping organizations adhere to the NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity with its Cyberbit SCADAShield.

Though IP connectivity has brought huge operational advantages to critical infrastructure organizations, it has also opened the doors to external threats that air-gapped ICS networks weren’t worried about previously.

The NIST Framework is the industry standard for ICS cybersecurity. With the Cyberbit SCADAShield, organizations can implement the NIST Framework at Tier 4 — the highest level of adaptive security.

According to NIST, “behavioral anomaly detection technology can provide a key security component in sustaining business operations, particularly those based on ICS.”

SCADAShield platform uses ICS-specific behavioral analytics and machine learning to rapidly detect anomalous behavior, including:

  • Continuous ICS threat monitoring
  • Asset discovery
  • Considerations for the Financial Services Security Team
  • Threat intelligence
  • Adaptive risk management

Aligning with the NIST framework at the highest security level requires new technology solutions. In this white paper, learn more about how you can use Cyberbit behavioral analytics and machine learning technology to help keep your ICS network secure in the age of connectivity.